:Namespace Contest2011Sample AboutMe←'This is my life story... ' ⍝ enter information about you AboutMe,←'' ⍝ add more information here (and on additional lines in need be) MyEmail←'' ⍝ email address MyName←'' ⍝ your name Reaction←'' ⍝ share you reactions about the programming contect Reaction,←'' ReferredBy←'' ⍝ the email address of the person who referred you to the contest Student←'' ⍝ are you a student? (yes or no) :Namespace Problem1 ∇ boolMat←airports adjacency segments ⍝ Stub function for Problem 1, Task 1 ⍝ airports is the table of airports ⍝ segments is the table of airport pairs that the airline services ∇ ∇ boolMat←allTrips adjmat ⍝ Stub function for Problem 1, Task 2 ⍝ adjmat is an adjacency matrix as returned by the function adjacency ∇ ∇ r←p1 distance p2 ⍝ Stub function for Problem 1, Task 3a ⍝ p1 and p2 are lat/long pairs ⍝ use 6371 for the radius of the Earth in km ∇ ∇ (before after)←airports reduceSegments segments ⍝ Stub function for Problem 1, Task 3b ⍝ airports is the table of airports ⍝ segments is the table of segments ∇ :EndNamespace :Namespace Problem2 ∇ vec←pct addNoise vec ⍝ Stub function for Problem 2, Task 1 ⍝ pct is a percent (between 0 and 1) of "noise" to introduce into vec ⍝ vec is a character vector ∇ ∇ hits←text patFind(pattern tolerance) ⍝ Stub function for Problem 2, Task 2 ∇ :EndNamespace :Namespace Problem3 ∇ r←cm convolve pattern ⍝ Stub function for Problem 3, Task 4a ∇ ∇ r←cm convolveRGB patterm ⍝ Stub function for Problem 3, Task 4b ∇ mat←gaussianMat sigma ⍝ Stub function for Problem 3, Task 5 ∇ ∇ r←hv scale pattern ⍝ Stub function for Problem 3, Task 3 ∇ ∇ gray←toGray RGB ⍝ Stub function for Problem 3, Task 1 ∇ ∇ RGB←toRGB gray ⍝ Stub function for Problem 2, Task 2 ∇ :EndNamespace :Namespace Problem4 ∇ f←freqMat train ⍝ Stub function for Problem 4, Task 1 ∇ ∇ pwm←makePWM F ⍝ Stub function for Problem 4, Task 2 ∇ ∇ s←pwm score seq ⍝ Stub function for Problem 4, Task 3 ∇ ∇ r←pwm top5 seq ⍝ Stub function for Problem 4, Task 4 ∇ :EndNamespace :Namespace Problem5 ∇ c←v1 cosine v2 ⍝ Stub function for Problem 5, Task 4 ∇ ∇ counts←dict dictCount string ⍝ Stub function for Problem 5, Task 3 ∇ ∇ dict←makeDict strings ⍝ Stub function for Problem 5, Task 2 ∇ ∇ r←titles search query ⍝ Stub function for Problem 5, Task 5 ∇ ∇ tokens←tokenize string ⍝ Stub function for Problem 5, Task 1 ∇ :EndNamespace :EndNamespace