:Namespace Contest2015 (⎕IO ⎕ML ⎕WX)←1 0 3 AboutMe←'' ⍝ Tell us a bit about you, your major, other languages you know, etc. ⍝ AboutMe,←'' ⍝ copy and uncomment as many additional lines as you need Reaction←'' ⍝ Share your thoughts about the competition... Did you enjoy it? How can we improve future competitions? ⍝ Reaction,←'' ⍝ copy and uncomment as many additional lines as you need :Namespace Problems ⍝ === VARIABLES === codon←64 2⍴'UUU' 'F' 'UUC' 'F' 'UUA' 'L' 'UUG' 'L' 'UCU' 'S' 'UCC' 'S' 'UCA' 'S' 'UCG' 'S' 'UAU' 'Y' 'UAC' 'Y' 'UAA' '*' 'UAG' '*' 'UGU' 'C' 'UGC' 'C' 'UGA' '*' 'UGG' 'W' 'CUU' 'L' 'CUC' 'L' 'CUA' 'L' 'CUG' 'L' 'CCU' 'P' 'CCC' 'P' 'CCA' 'P' 'CCG' 'P' 'CAU' 'H' 'CAC' 'H' 'CAA' 'Q' 'CAG' 'Q' 'CGU' 'R' 'CGC' 'R' 'CGA' 'R' 'CGG' 'R' 'AUU' 'I' 'AUC' 'I' 'AUA' 'I' 'AUG' 'M' 'ACU' 'T' 'ACC' 'T' 'ACA' 'T' 'ACG' 'T' 'AAU' 'N' 'AAC' 'N' 'AAA' 'K' 'AAG' 'K' 'AGU' 'S' 'AGC' 'S' 'AGA' 'R' 'AGG' 'R' 'GUU' 'V' 'GUC' 'V' 'GUA' 'V' 'GUG' 'V' 'GCU' 'A' 'GCC' 'A' 'GCA' 'A' 'GCG' 'A' 'GAU' 'D' 'GAC' 'D' 'GAA' 'E' 'GAG' 'E' 'GGU' 'G' 'GGC' 'G' 'GGA' 'G' 'GGG' 'G' ⍝ === End of variables definition === (⎕IO ⎕ML ⎕WX)←1 0 3 ∇ board←KenKen specs ⍝ Stub function for Games and Recreation Problem 3 Task 1 ∇ ∇ protein←codon RNAtoProtein rna ⍝ Stub function for Bioinformatics Problem 1 Task 2 ∇ ∇ (rows horz vert)←arrangeStars stars ⍝ Stub function for Applications Problem 3 Task 1 ∇ ∇ new←dir board2048 current ⍝ Stub function for Games and Recreation Problem 2 Task 2 ∇ ∇ bool←checkNurikabe board ⍝ Stub function for Games and Recreation Problem 1 Task 1 ∇ ∇ pairs←fibRabbits littermonths ⍝ Stub function for Bioinformatics Problem 1 Task 1 ∇ ∇ x←findLocs l ⍝ Stub function for Bioinformatics Problem 2 Task 1 ∇ ∇ html←htmlList items ⍝ Stub function for Applications Problem 1 Task 1 ∇ ∇ html←htmlTable matrix ⍝ Stub function for Applications Problem 1 Task 2 ∇ ∇ r←codon infermRNA protein ⍝ Stub function for Bioinformatics Problem 2 Task 2 ∇ ∇ sub←longestSubsequences pv ⍝ Stub function for Bioinformatics Problem 2 Task 2 ∇ ∇ r←maxRepeats dna ⍝ Stub function for Bioinformatics Problem 2 Task 3 ∇ ∇ result←left reversalDistance right ⍝ Stub function for Bioinformatics Problem 3 Task 1 ∇ ∇ order←searchOrder freqs ⍝ Stub function for Applications Problem 2 Task 1 ∇ ∇ new←dir shift2048 current ⍝ Stub function for Games and Recreation Problem 2 Task 1 ∇ :EndNamespace :EndNamespace