Instructions for playing the Data Binding presentation: NOTES: There are hardcoded filenames and directories in the workspace and XAML that may need to be fixed. You do not have media files or cover art for any of the Discs in the collection 1) Configure your 14.0 interpreter to have a MAXWS >= 256Mb 2) Start Dyalog 14.0 3) Load the session file binding.dse 3) In Powerpoint, load binding.pptx and start a slide show 4) Run to Slide 32 "Ask now what you can do....." Repeat 5) .. Alt Tab to the Dyalog session 6) Press F12 and execute the expressions that appear in the session until the expression is ⍝POWERPOINT; execute this expression and then Alt-tab back to powerpoint. Remember to alter the path to the binding workspace when the )load command appears. In most cases the expression that immediately precedes ⍝POWERPOINT will be Make Demo. 7) run the slide show until the text "Demo n" and an arrow appear in the bottom right code of the slide .. Until End Instructions for the Blend Demo. 1) Start "Expression Blend for Visual Studio 2012" (or presumbaly later) 2) Load WpfApplication7 from the appropritate directory. 3) Explore the solution. (only limited support can be given for these samples).