DYALOGue - Summer 2015
Welcome to DYALOGue Summer 2015
Since our last eNewsletter went out in March, we have had an extremely busy spring. We hosted the inaugural North America User meeting – DYNA '15 – in Princeton at the Crowne Plaza April 20-21, and much more.
Dyalog 14.1 is now commercially available
One of our most important goals is to ensure that Dyalog APL is available on all relevant platforms. With Version 14.1, we are very pleased to include Apple Mac OS X as a fully supported platform. A major milestone has been achieved.
Dyalog '15 user meeting - September 6-10
This year, between September 6th and 10th we're heading to the Atahotel Naxos Beach in Sicily for the annual International User meeting. If you haven't already registered, there is still time.
COSMOS – "Let's take a look"
We have all heard of 'Big Data' and some of us have discussed the challenges that a seemingly never-ending stream of information quickly generates. Cosmos takes the handling of big data onto a new level for research purposes.
Dyalog on the Road
It is really encouraging to note that, after some relatively quiet years, the number of opportunities to talk to people about APL in general and Dyalog in particular is definitely on the rise! We have been globetrotting a fair bit this spring to attend different meetings and conferences.
Dyalog APL programming contest
2015 is the 7th consecutive year that Dyalog and other sponsors will run the Dyalog APL programming contest. Again this year, the contest is held in collaboration with www.Studentcompetitions.com and we have attracted huge interest. The latest statistics tells us we have had 9,156 unique website visitors with1,727 Registrants.
Stormwind Simulator – Navigating the Finnish Archipelago with Dyalog APL
Considered to be the world's most complex waterway, boats are the main means of transport in the Finnish Archipelago, with its many small islands. Navigating the area is extremely complex, and can be dangerous and challenging, due to traffic density and rapidly changing weather conditions. This is the amazing story of how Stormwind uses Dyalog APL. It is truly a matter of APL forcing the hardware into hard work; the total data throughput is counted in terabytes!