DYALOGue Newsletters
Summer 2017
- Meet Marshall
- Meet Michael
- 2016 Iverson Award
- Geoff celebrates 40 years with Dyalog
- 9th international programming contest launches
- Dyalog on the road
- Dyalog '17 – Registration now open
- Highlights of Dyalog version 16.0
Summer 2016
- 8th international programming contest launches
- 50 years of APL
- Meet Adám
- Dyalog on the road
- News from the Tools group
- Highlights of Dyalog version 15.0
Spring 2016
- Michel Godron and the African ecosystem
- DYNA16 – North American user meeting
- Improve your programming with Gianfranco Alongi
- Morten Kromberg takes on CXO role
- Jay Foad appointed to CTO
Summer 2015
- Case study: Stormwind Simulator
- 7th international programming contest launches
- Dyalog on the road
- COSMOS – exploring big data
- Summary of Dyalog version 14.1
Spring 2015
- Case study: Laser Learning at LHPA
- First preview of Dyalog version 14.1
- DYNA15 – North American user meeting
- Dyalog '15 – user meeting in Italy
Summer 2014
- Case study: Hercules
- Case study: Riskflow
- Launch of new website and social media strategy
- 6th international programming contest launches
- Countdown to Dyalog '14
- Dyalog version 14.0 now available
Spring 2014
- Stormwind simulator victorious in Apps4Finland
- Dyalog '14 – Welcome to 1066 Country
- Meet Nick
Spring 2013
- Dyalog on the Raspberry Pi
- Dyalog '13
- American seminars
- David Liebtag's Array Editor
- Meet Fiona (Documentation Manager)
- 5th international programming contest launches
Summer 2012
- Dyalog in the local community
- Dyalog on the road
- Meet Pat (U.S. Marketing and Sales)
- News from the Tools group
- Register for Dyalog '12
Spring 2012
- Dyalog on the road
- Videos from Dyalog '11
- Pocket Dyalog
- 4th international programming contest launches
- Introducing TryAPL.org
- News from the Tools group
- Highlights of Dyalog version 13.1
Summer 2011
- Meet Brian (APL Tools Group Manager)
- 3rd international programming contest launches
- Register for Dyalog '11
Spring 2011
- Meet Liam
- Taking APL for a RIDE
- APL# (APL Sharp)
- Meet Roger
- Highlights of Dyalog version 13.0
Autumn 2010
- Meet the winners of the 2nd international programming contest
- Dyalog '10 (APL2010) programme announced
Summer 2010
- Proposed content for Dyalog version 13.0
- Meet Jay
- Register for Dyalog '10 (APL2010)
- New office for Dyalog Ltd HQ in England
Spring 2010
- Fully verified Escrow arrangement
- Meet Karen (Customer Account Manager)
- Dyalog forums go live
- "Mastering Dyalog APL" by Bernard Legrand
- Highlights of Dyalog version 12.1
Spring 2009
- Dyalog Ltd and Zark
- Danish lunch service using Dyalog
- Meet Andy (Customer Support and Quality Assurance Manager)
- Proposed content for Dyalog version 12.1
- 25 years of Dyalog
Summer 2008
- Meet Richard
- British APL Association
- Service oriented APL
- Register for Dyalog '08
Spring 2008
- Introducing Conga
- Review of Dyalog '07
- Grid computing with Dyalog
- Highlights of Dyalog version 12.0
Summer 2007
- Introducing SALT
- New location for Dyalog Ltd HQ in England
- Introducing Causeway
- Meet Jason
- Printed documentation