DYALOGue - Summer 2012

Welcome to the 2012 Summer edition of DYALOGue

I am delighted to announce that Pat Buteux has been appointed VP of sales and Marketing in the US, that Dyalog '12 is now open for Registration, TryAPL has had lots of hits and WorldPay is now in place.

Dyalog '12 – Register NOW and Save 10%!

Review the preliminary programme and the courses with abstracts. Take advantage of the Early Bird Discount – Save 10%.

Tools News – What's new in the APL Tools Group

In this issue of DYALOGue we introduce the Dyalog File Server. There are also updates to MiServer and news of Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) in Conga.

Meet Pat Buteux – our New VP of Sales & Marketing, US

Pat joins Dyalog Ltd. with one of the finest pedigrees in software development and software consulting.

Dyalog on the Road

As you know, Dyalog is keen to continue to expand the community of Dyalog software programmers and attract new audiences to the power of APL. This includes taking advantage of opportunities to present the work we're doing around the globe throughout the year.

Dyalog sponsors Coconut Shy at Diamond Jubilee Village Fete

The weekend of June 2nd marked the British Monarch's 60th year as Queen. The country took the opportunity to celebrate in style, and our local community set up a fete to be remembered.

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