Numeric Case Conversion

Dyalog APL version 18.0, released in June 2020, introduced the Case Convert system function ⎕C. It was a replacement for the long-lived (since version 15.0, from June 2016) I-beam 819⌶, which was then deprecated. (By the way, did you know that the digits 819 were chosen to be reminiscent of the letters BIg as in big — uppercase — letters?) It is expected that 819⌶ will be disabled in the next major version of Dyalog APL.

⎕C already has several advantages over 819⌶, for example the ability to case-fold rather than lowercase. (Did you know that Cherokee syllabary case-folds to uppercase?) With today’s release of Dyalog version 19.4.1, we’re happy to announce a further extension of ⎕C, covering scaled format (also known as scientific or E notation) and complex numbers.

By default, APL uses the letter E to separate mantissa and exponent in very large and very small numbers. Similarly, the letter J is used to separate real and imaginary parts of complex numbers:

      2 20 * 64 ¯24
1.844674407E19 5.960464478E¯32
      ¯1 ¯5*0.5
0J1 0J2.236067977

For input, however, e and j are accepted in addition to E and J:

      1E4 1J4 ≡ 1e4 1j4

You can now conveniently mitigate this asymmetry using ⎕C:

      ⎕C 2 20 * 64 ¯24
1.844674407e19 5.960464478e¯32
      ⎕C ¯1 ¯5 * 0.5
0j1 0j2.236067977

We hope that this added functionality will be exploited to its fullest by all our users. Please contact us if you experience any stability issues with the new feature.

Extending Structural Functions to Scalars

Traditionally, the set of monadic reversing or reflecting primitives, Reverse-First (), Transpose (), and Reverse () apply to entire arrays and are defined as identity functions on scalar arguments. Dyalog v19.0 extends the definitions to provide equivalent reflections on scalars.

Character Data

We expect that the new transformations will be most useful on characters. For example:


Note that you can apply the same transformation to all the items of an array using Each (¨) or Rank (⍤0):

      ⌽¨ 'New APL?'
Ͷɘw Aꟼ⅃⸮
      (⊖⍤0) 'CAN HAPPEN SOON!'

Composition allows the combination of reflections to perform rotation:

      ⊖∘⍉¨ '→A/common'  ⍝ 90° clockwise rotation
      ⌽∘⊖¨ '→A/common'  ⍝ 180° rotation

We can combine the above techniques with additional structural functions, including reflection of the entire array, to achieve more advanced effects that are often needed in modern user interfaces:

      ⌽¨ ⌽ 'New APL?'     ⍝ mirror
⸮⅃ꟼA wɘͶ
      ⊖∘⍉¨ ⍪ '→A/common'  ⍝ vertical
      ⌽∘⊖¨ ⌽ '→A/common'  ⍝ upside-down

Numeric Data

Although the transformations are more easily applicable to characters, many numbers are also in the domain of the extended functions:

      ⌽¨ 1.618 2.71828 3.1415
816.1 82817.2 5141.3
      ⌽¨ 3J4 0J1 0.5
4J3 1 5
      ⌽∘⊖¨ 60 69 908    ⍝ 180° rotation
9 69 806
      ⍉⌽ 8              ⍝ 90° counter-clockwise rotation


Character Data

  • Although the new definitions are available in both 32-bit and 64-bit Unicode editions of Dyalog, very few characters can be reflected in the Classic edition.
  • A TRANSLATION ERROR will be signalled if the required result cannot be represented.

For example, using the Classic Edition where the Rank operator is represented as ⎕U2364:

      (⊖ ⎕U2364 0) 'PHI!'
      (⊖ ⎕U2364 0) 'ABC'
TRANSLATION ERROR: Unicode character ⎕UCS 8704 not in ⎕AVU
      (⊖⎕U2364 0)'ABC'

Numeric Data

  • The result of numeric reflections can depend on the value of ⎕FR.
  • A DOMAIN ERROR will be signalled if the required result cannot be represented.

For example, beginning with the default value ⎕FR←645:

      ⌽ 1.2345E67
      ⌽ 1.2345E67    ⍝ 76×10*5432.1


Although it is extremely unlikely that real applications rely on the current behaviour, the extensions are potentially breaking changes and are, therefore, being released as part of a major version upgrade.

We are somewhat surprised that these obviously useful extensions have been ignored by the APL community for such a long time, and are very pleased to finally make them available to commercial, educational and hobbyist users. Please contact ʇɹ if you would like to test a pre-release of Dyalog v19.0 and help us understand the potential impact on existing applications.

Dyalog Version 18.4.1

During the recent APL Seeds ’22 meeting, it was suggested that we introduce keywords that could be used as an alternative to APL symbols. Several historical APL systems have provided such mechanisms. However, rather than adopting one of the old keyword schemes, we have decided to go for a more future-proof solution, recognising that the modern equivalent of keywords is emojis.

Emojis are already in widespread usage: they are included in fonts, and there is support for entry of emojis on a wide variety of devices. We have decided to adopt the existing proposal by StavromulaBeta, with minor changes. Examples include:

New Emoji Legacy Glyph New Emoji Legacy Glyph
🤔 💭
' 🏁
💂 : 📤
🤱 ( 🎅 )
🌜 { 🌛 }

In addition to usage of the language bar, and platform-specific emoji input methods, input via emoticons like :) and shortcodes like :slightly_smiling_face: (as used in chat clients and on GitHub, respectively), can be toggled on.

Screen-shot of a representative 18.4.1 sample session.

Backwards compatibility will be provided by an automatic translation mechanism on )LOAD of existing workspaces, and Link will update all source files, on first use of the new version 18.4.1.

For users of the Classic edition, new ⎕Uxxxxx spellings will be introduced. For example, the last expression in the above screen-shot will be:

⎕U1f31c⎕U1f9ee⎕U1f9ec⎕U1f914⎕U1f910⎕U1f534⎕U1f642⎕U1f4da⎕U1f4c8⎕U1f33f⎕U1f914⎕U1f31b ⎕U1f621⎕U1f910 k6174⎕U1f351 ⎕U1f931⎕U1f4da 9999⎕U1f385⎕U1f645 1111⎕U1f9ed⎕U1f4da9

Unfortunately, we are not able to make the new version available on the Apple macOS® platform, where the use of a certain of fruit emoji makes it impossible to introduce the new spelling.

We will be announcing the release date for version 18.4.1 shortly. Please contact if you would like to participate in testing the pre-release, or have suggestions for improving the choice of emojis.

Speed versus Accuracy: the User’s Choice

At Dyalog we have long striven for both correctness and high performance in our implementation. However, our views on this matter have recently undergone an historic shift in paradigm which we are excited to share with our users. We now intend to provide the best experience to the user of Dyalog APL not by providing correctness and speed, but rather correctness or speed, with a user-specified tradeoff between the two.

The upcoming release of version 17.1 includes a powerful new feature: the correctness–performance slider. To find this option, select Options>Configure>General in the IDE, or Edit>Preferences>General in RIDE. The slider is labelled “Execution Properties” and may be set at any time, although users should note that the effective correctness may be reduced if this is done while an in-progress function is on the stack.

With the slider at its default position near the middle, Dyalog will make an effort to balance performance and correctness. Computations will proceed at a reasonably brisk pace, and slightly wrong answers will appear occasionally while very wrong ones come up only rarely. As the slider is moved to the left, correctness is increased at the expense of performance. You’ll have to wait for your results but when you get them they’ll be numbers you can trust. Moving the slider to the right will have the opposite effect, increasing speed at the expense of more frequent misparsings and significant floating point error. Perfect for startups!


The seasoned programmer has most likely experienced the same issues as us, and may already be rushing to incorporate our ideas in his or her own code. In the interest of transparency, however, we wish to explain a bit further our experiences with the speed-correctness tradeoff.

Most often we encounter this tradeoff in one direction: when writing to improve the performance of a particular interpreter operation we sometimes find the results returned are different. In the past such cases were seen as bugs to be corrected, but we now understand them to simply be instances of a universal rule. Conversely, fixes for obscure parsing issues which slow down parsing of equally obscure but already correct cases are no longer cause for concern: we simply condition them on the appropriate slider threshold.

In the graph below we plot the accuracy and performance of several algorithms to compute the inner product !.○ on two large array arguments. Performance is measured in throughput (GB/s) while accuracy is defined to be the cosine similarity of the returned solution relative to a very precise result worked out with paper and pencil.

On plotting these results the nature of our plight became clear, and we added the performance-correctness slider to Dyalog version 17.1 as fast as possible. This post was written as accompaniment, with similar haste.


We profiled a large sample program with many different execution settings and obtained the results shown below. As you can see, Dyalog can be quite stable, or quite fast, depending on how the performance-correctness slider is set.

We believe these results demonstrate excellent value for all of our clients. Large and conscientious businesses can set the slider to correctness to encounter very few errors in execution. Rest assured, if errors are reported with these settings, we will do our best to shift them to the right side of the performance-correctness continuum! In contrast, the APL thrill-seeker will find much to like at the speedy end of the spectrum, as more frequent crashes are compounded by an interpreter that gets to them faster.

Future extensions

Although we believe the provided options will satisfy most users, some tasks require an implementation so fast, or so correct, that Dyalog cannot currently offer satisfactory performance along the relevant axis. To rectify this in the future we intend to offer more powerful facilities which extend the extremes of the correctness-performance slider. Potential clients who are exceptionally interested in correctness, such as NASA and Airbus, should contact us about an interpreter which runs multiple algorithms for each operation and chooses the majority result. For users interested in speed above all else we propose to offer an interpreter which only computes a part of its result and leaves the rest uninitialised, thus obtaining for example a 50% correct result in only half the time.

Even more extreme tradeoffs are possible. For the most correct results we are considering an algorithm which adds the desired computation to Wikipedia’s “List of unsolved problems in mathematics”, and then scans mathematical journals until a result with proof is obtained. For extremely fast responses we propose to train a shallow neural network on APL sessions so that it can, without interpreting any APL, print something that basically looks like it could be the right answer. Such an option would be a useful and efficient tool for programmers who cannot use APL, but insist on doing so anyway.

Although our plans for the future may be much grander, we’re quite excited to be the first language to offer user-selectable implementation tradeoffs at all. We’re sure you’ll be happy with either the correctness or the performance of Dyalog 17.1!

Permuting Internal Letters

Friday Afternoon

It’s something of a custom in Dyalog to send a “fun” e-mail to the group on Friday afternoons. My gambit for this past Friday was:

   x ←' according to research it doesn''t matter'
   x,←' what order the letters in a word are'
   x,←' the human mind can still read it'
   x,←' the only important thing is that'
   x,←' the first and the last letters are in the right place'

   ∊ ' ',¨ {(1↑⍵),({⍵[?⍨≢⍵]}1↓¯1↓⍵),(-1<≢⍵)↑⍵}¨ (' '∘≠ ⊆ ⊢) x
 aroidnccg to reasrech it dneso't mttear waht order the ltreets 
      in a wrod are the hmaun mnid can sltil read it the olny 
      imartpnot tihng is that the fsrit and the lsat lterets 
      are in the rhigt palce

(The research:

Code Golfing

The code golfers were not long in responding:

   ∊{' ',⍵[1,(1+?⍨0⌈¯2+n),n/⍨1<n←≢⍵]}¨(' '∘≠⊆⊢)x     ⍝ fa
   ∊{' ',⍵[∪1,{⍵,⍨?⍨⍵-1}≢⍵]}¨(' '∘≠⊆⊢)x              ⍝ fb
   '\S+'⎕r{{⍵[∪1,{⍵,⍨?⍨⍵-1}≢⍵]}⍵.Match}x             ⍝ fc
   ∊{' ',⍵[n↑1,(1+?⍨0⌈¯2+n),n←≢⍵]}¨(' '∘≠⊆⊢)x        ⍝ fd

In defense of the original expression, it can be said that it follows the pattern:

  • cut into words            (' '∘≠ ⊆ ⊢) x  also ' '(≠⊆⊢)x
  • permute each word      {(1↑⍵),({⍵[?⍨≢⍵]}1↓¯1↓⍵),(-1<≢⍵)↑⍵}¨
  • undo the cut             ∊ ' ',¨

That is, the pattern is “permute under cut”. Moving the ' ', into the permuting function, while shortening the overall expression, obscures this pattern.

Golfing for Speed

One of the code golfers was undaunted by the highfalutin’ functional programming argument. Changing tack, he claimed to be golfing for speed (while himself travelling at 900 kph):

  p←1+0,⍸⍵=' '           ⍝ start of each word
  n←0⌈¯3+¯2-/p,2+≢⍵      ⍝ sizes of windows to be shuffled
  ⍵[∊p+?⍨¨n]@((⍳¯1+≢⍵)~p∘.-0 1 2)⊢⍵

   cmpx 'fe x' 'fb x' 'fc x' 'fd x'
  fe x → 4.27E¯5 |    0% ⎕⎕⎕⎕
* fb x → 1.05E¯4 | +145% ⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕
* fc x → 3.39E¯4 | +692% ⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕
* fd x → 1.11E¯4 | +159% ⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕

The question was then posed whether the algorithm can be “flattened” further; that is, whether the expression ∊p+?⍨¨n in function fe can be done without each. The answer is of course yes (else I wouldn’t be writing this blog post :-). Flattening, or avoiding the creation of nested arrays, has the potential to reduce memory consumption and increase efficiency, because there is more potential for the interpreter to perform optimized sequential or even parallel operations.

Partitioned Random Permutations

In the old days, before general arrays, before the each and rank operators, ingenious techniques were devised for working with “partitioned” arrays: A boolean vector with a leading 1 specifies a partition on a corresponding array with the same length, basically what we can now do with or similar facility. A detailed description can be found in Bob Smith’s APL79 paper A Programming Technique for Non-Rectangular Data.

   p←1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
   v←3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 53 58

│3 1 4│1│5 9 2 6 53 58│

   +/¨ p⊂v
8 1 133
8 1 133

   ∊ +\¨ p⊂v
3 4 8 1 5 14 16 22 75 133
3 4 8 1 5 14 16 22 75 133

The last two sets of expressions illustrate how “partitioned plus reduce” and “partitioned plus scan” can be computed, without use of general arrays and without each.

At issue is how to do “partitioned random permute”. Answer: ⍋(n?n)+n×+\p ⊣ n←≢p.

p                1  0  0    1    1  0  0  0  0  0
n?n              5  4 10    6    2  9  8  1  3  7
n×+\p           10 10 10   20   30 30 30 30 30 30
(n?n)+n×+\p     15 14 20   26   32 39 38 31 33 37
⍋(n?n)+n×+\p     2  1  3    4    8  5  9 10  7  6


  b←~(⊢ ∨ 1∘⌽ ∨ ¯1∘⌽)' '=⍵  ⍝ internal letters
  n←≢p←b/b>¯1⌽b             ⍝ partition vector for groups of same

   cmpx 'ff x' 'fe x'
  ff x → 1.46E¯5 |    0% ⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕
* fe x → 4.19E¯5 | +187% ⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕


   cmpx 'ff x6' 'fe x6'
  ff x6 → 5.16E¯2 |    0% ⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕
* fe x6 → 1.77E¯1 | +243% ⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕

There is a puzzle from 1980 which similarly involved randomly permuting items within groups. See A History of APL in 50 Functions, Chapter 47, Pyramigram. The puzzle solution is amusing also for that fact that it used -\.


Plobssiy, a txet wshoe words are ilivuddinaly ptemrued is rdeaable mnaliy bseacue in odirrany txet many wrods, eelpclsaiy iptnroamt wrods, are sorht. A curops wtih long and ufnmiailar wdors wuold lkiely be hard to raed atfer scuh pittarmoeun. For eapxmle:

   ff t
 eyonelsmeary dpihnoeissopt siiuqpeedlasan pniormoasaac oopimoentaoa
   ff t
 emlresaneyoy dnpepoihissot seilesiqaadupn poimrnaaasoc oaioomtpneoa
   ff t
 erloymneseay dhsiepopiosnt seildspqiauean praisoaaonmc oomatneiopoa


In the 2016 Year Game, the task was to generate the numbers 0 to 100 using APL primitives and the digits 2 0 1 6 in that order. For example,


This “puzzle of the year” brings to mind Krypto, a game I played many years ago while in grade school.


Krypto is a mathematical card game. The Krypto deck has 56 cards: 3 each of numbers 1-6, 4 each of the numbers 7-10, 2 each of 11-17, 1 each of 18-25.

   DECK ← (3/1+⍳6),(4/7+⍳4),(2/11+⍳7),18+⍳8

Six cards are dealt: an objective card and five other cards. A player must use all five of the latter cards’ numbers exactly once, using any combination of arithmetic operations (+, -, ×, and ÷) to form the objective card’s number. The first player to come up with a correct formula is the winner. The stricter “International Rules” specify the use of non-negative integers only; fractional or negative intermediate results are not permitted.

For example, if the objective card were 17 and the other cards were 2, 8, 14, 19, and 21, then a Krypto solution can be as follows. Without loss of generality, we use APL notation and syntax.

   8 - 19 + 14 - 2 × 21

In this article we present functions to find all solutions to a Krypto hand.

A Solution

There are a maximum of !5 permutations of the 5 cards and 4 possibilities in each of the 4 places where an operation can be put, for (!5)×4*4 or 30720 total possibilities. This number is small enough for an exhaustive approach.

deal←{DECK ⌷⍨⊂ 6?≢DECK}

  perm←{0=⍵:1 0⍴0 ⋄ ,[⍳2](⊂0,1+∇ ¯1+⍵)⌷⍤1⍒⍤1∘.=⍨⍳⍵}
  a←256⌿5 0⍕⍵[perm 5]
  ⊣⌸ a ⌿⍨ ⍺ = ⍎⍤1 ⊢a

   deal ⍬
17 8 19 14 2 21

   ⊢ t← 17 Krypto 8 19 14 2 21
    8 - 19 + 14 -  2 × 21
    8 - 19 + 14 - 21 ×  2
    8 - 19 - 21 + 14 ÷  2
    8 - 14 + 19 -  2 × 21
   21 +  8 - 19 - 14 ÷  2
   21 - 19 -  8 + 14 ÷  2

   ⍴ t
24 25

Intermediate Steps

The function perm is from the Dyalog blog post Permutations, 2015-07-20. perm n generates the sorted table of all permutations of ⍳n.

The local variable a in Krypto is a 30720-row character matrix computed from the 5 non-objective numbers. It consists of all !5 permutations of the 5 numbers interspersed with all 4*4 arrangements of the four operations + - × ÷.

Executing the rows of a produces a 30720-element numeric vector. Comparison of this vector with the objective yields a boolean vector that selects the rows of a which are correct formulas.

   ⍴ a
30720 25

    8 + 19 + 14 +  2 + 21
    8 + 19 + 14 +  2 - 21
    8 + 19 + 14 +  2 × 21
    8 + 19 + 14 +  2 ÷ 21
    8 + 19 + 14 -  2 + 21
    8 + 19 + 14 -  2 - 21
    8 + 19 + 14 -  2 × 21
    8 + 19 + 14 -  2 ÷ 21
   21 ÷  2 ÷ 14 × 19 ÷  8
   21 ÷  2 ÷ 14 ÷ 19 +  8
   21 ÷  2 ÷ 14 ÷ 19 -  8
   21 ÷  2 ÷ 14 ÷ 19 ×  8
   21 ÷  2 ÷ 14 ÷ 19 ÷  8

   +/ b ← 17 = ⍎⍤1 ⊢a

   t ≡ b⌿a

We note that use of the @ operator, new to Dyalog version 16.0, obviates the need to name intermediate results for reasons for syntax. Instead, names are only used to break the code down into more comprehensible components.

  perm←{0=⍵:1 0⍴0 ⋄ ,[⍳2](⊂0,1+∇ ¯1+⍵)⌷⍤1⍒⍤1∘.=⍨⍳⍵}
  ⊣⌸ ⍺ (⊢(⌿⍨)=∘(⍎⍤1)) '+-×÷'[((256×!5),4)⍴⍉(4⍴4)⊤⍳256]⊣@(6+5×⍳4)⍤1 ⊢256⌿5 0⍕⍵[perm 5]

  perm←{0=⍵:1 0⍴0 ⋄ ,[⍳2](⊂0,1+∇ ¯1+⍵)⌷⍤1⍒⍤1∘.=⍨⍳⍵}
  fns  ← '+-×÷'[((256×!5),4)⍴⍉(4⍴4)⊤⍳256]
  nums ← 256⌿5 0⍕⍵[perm 5]
  ⊣⌸ ⍺ (⊢(⌿⍨)=∘(⍎⍤1)) fns ⊣@(6+5×⍳4)⍤1 ⊢nums

   17 (Krypto ≡ Krypto1) 8 19 14 2 21

   17 (Krypto ≡ Krypto2) 8 19 14 2 21

International Rules

The international rules (intermediate results must be non-negative integers) can be enforced readily:

irules←{⍵⌿⍨∧/(i=⌊i)∧0≤i←8 13 18{⍎¨⍺↓¨⊂⍵}⍤1⊢⍵}

   irules 17 Krypto 8 19 14 2 21
    8 +  2 + 14 ÷ 21 - 19
    8 + 21 - 19 - 14 ÷  2
   19 -  2 ×  8 - 21 - 14
   19 -  2 ÷  8 - 21 - 14
   19 -  2 × 14 - 21 -  8
   19 -  2 ÷ 14 - 21 -  8
    2 +  8 + 14 ÷ 21 - 19
   21 - 19 -  8 + 14 ÷  2

It is instructive to look at how the local variable i in irules is formed:

   ⊢ t←17 Krypto 8 19 14 2 21
    8 - 19 + 14 -  2 × 21
    8 - 19 + 14 - 21 ×  2
    8 - 19 - 21 + 14 ÷  2
    8 - 14 + 19 -  2 × 21
   21 +  8 - 19 - 14 ÷  2
   21 - 19 -  8 + 14 ÷  2

   8 13 18 {⍺↓¨⊂⍵}⍤1 ⊢t
│19 + 14 -  2 × 21│14 -  2 × 21│ 2 × 21│
│19 + 14 - 21 ×  2│14 - 21 ×  2│21 ×  2│
│19 - 21 + 14 ÷  2│21 + 14 ÷  2│14 ÷  2│
│14 + 19 -  2 × 21│19 -  2 × 21│ 2 × 21│
│ 8 - 19 - 14 ÷  2│19 - 14 ÷  2│14 ÷  2│
│19 -  8 + 14 ÷  2│ 8 + 14 ÷  2│14 ÷  2│

      ⍎¨ 8 13 18 {⍺↓¨⊂⍵}⍤1 ⊢t
¯9 ¯28  42
¯9 ¯28  42
¯9  28   7
¯9 ¯23  42
¯4  12   7
 4  15   7

(An earlier version of the text appeared as the Jwiki essay Krypto, 2013-07-04.)